
22 Oct 1988
librA's 赤chAn
dokushin(single) desu
kinki's fAn
24^hrs shopping-QUEEN

My Friendster

♥ 今すぐ欲しい (desires)

MAC eye-liner
MAC blusher
slim down
$find pArt-time job$
pAss 'o'levels

♥ 大事件 (V.I.T)

wAtch tv
buy J-POP stuff
- 音乐
- videO
- mAgAzinE
listen 2 J-POP 音乐(everydAy)
wAtch moviE

♥ A hAppy love word

♥ 私の歌

♥ 大せつ.com



September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

on the 15/12/07....
still...celebrAting birthdAy AgAin....
but before thAt...
i went out to meet my bestie...mAhA...
i meet her @ PS...
And she ActuAlly AccompAny me to A stupid plAce....
@ pArk mAll....
And becAuse of this...
we were stArving while we're wAiting for thAt stupid thing.....

finAlly...thAt stupid thing is over....
we went bAck to PS for our lunch...mAybe dinner...
we went to eAt our fAvourite...

After our meAl....
we went to orchArd....
she sAid thAt she wAn2 buy A birthdAy present for his love one...
And so..we went wAlking Around in tAkA....
looking for mAn's clothes....
And After 3 hours wAlking...
we finbAlly found one in TOPSHOP....

oh greAt...finAlly...
cAuse my shoes is killing me...
And she suddenly says thAt she wAn2 eAt cAke from TCC....
so....we wAlked to the TCC neAr centrepoint...
we went in And woo!!!
it's like heAven....cAuse...
finAlly i cAn rest my feet....
she ordered A cheesecAke bA....
A smAll cAke which cost About...i think $8++

After thAt.....
she went home And for me...
i went to meet mr wee....
cAuse...need to celebrAte birthday....
it's steven this time...

this time..not like the other time...
we did not celebrAte @ drAgonfly or le bAr...
this time....we only wAtched movie And hAve supper together..
hAhA..quite wierd right....
the movie we wAtched....is..
A chinese movie..Acted by Andy lAu, jet li & kAneshiro tAkeshi....
wow! tAkeshi is so hAndsome!!!
cAn't stop looking @ him...
but 1 thing bAd is....
the movie is too long And drAggy...
neArly felt Asleep....

something very funny is...
mr WEE And i Ate A lot of things...
he bought 2 pizzAs And 1 lArge popcorn...
And we're busying munching throughout the whole movie.....

After the movie...
we went to hAve our suppper or mAybe breAkfAst
(Cause it's 3 o'clock in the morning AlreAdy...)
in...MR BEAN...
A western diner plAce...
crAving for ice-creAm....
but in the end.....
i ordered ice chocolAte
(cAuse inside got A scoop of ice-creAm AlreAdy..)
And Also chicken chop...
(which is shAred between me And mr wee)
we're reAlly so dAmn full....

After our meAl...
we went strAight home.....
And thAt's how i spend my dAy of 15/12/07....

on the 14/12/07...
i went to my friend's birthdAy pArty....
of course...with mr wee...
look very glAmourous on thAt dAy...
( thAt's wAt i think)

by the time we reAched there is AlreAdy 12.30Am...
obviously...they'd stArted...
it's reAlly dAmn pAck And squeezy....
but we got in very quickly from the help of the BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!
felt so pAi seh cAuse everyone is looking @ us....
cAuse we cut their queue....

After thAt....
we got in sAve And sound...
by the time we reAched the tAble...
the birthdAy boy wAs drunk...
unexpectedly....he kissed mr WEE....
so funny...
everyone seemed enjoying themselves A lot......

After so much drinking And fooling....
i..finAlly drink ' thAt'....
All thAnks to edwin!!!!
not becAuse of him...i dun intend to touch it @ All.....

he filled more thAn 1/4 of glAss with Alcohol...
And chAllenged me to drink it....
crAzy me...i reAlly did....
i drAnk 1 mouth And didn't expect it to be so....
then...edwin Added cocA colA in it...
And we both drAnk 1/2 of the glAss....
And thAt's during the live bAnd period....

After the live bAnd....
it's the time for everyone to dAnce....
my heAd begAn to spin.....
from wAt i wAs Advised.....
mr WEE told me to dAnce....
And so...i did....
i dAnced for more thAn 1 hour...
And during the 1 hour....
i knew thAt i'm Acting like A crAzy gAl....

i stopped.....
went to the toilet After thAt crAzy dAnce....
After 15min....
we decided to leAve...
cAn't believe...the one who is not celebrAting the birthdAy....
is the lAst to leAve....

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

me & TJ on our wAy to TD....

i ActuAlly plAn to meet TJ @ the evening....
but..received A phone cAll from my gAlfriend in the Afternoon..
she sAid thAt her shop got mAny cute And nice clothes...
thAt's meAns must spend $$$ AgAin...
i strAight AwAy went to prepAre myself After putting down the phone..
And got myself reAdy After 30 mins....
fAst huh....
this include bAthing too...
i went to tAke bus 190 cAuse it goes strAight to orchArd....
After 50 mins...upon reAching my destinAtion...
i received A cAll from TJ...
Asking me to meet him @ city hAll...
@ funAn digitAl mAll...
he need to tAke his lAptop..but need to wAit for @ leAst 3 hrs..
And he is Asking me to meet him first....
then meet my gAlfriend .....
i Agreed..so...
i Alighted @ Dhoby GhAut...took trAin to city hAll....
i sms my gAlfriend And told her About it...

After About 10 min....
i reAched my destinAtion....
we took A wAlk while wAiting for the number..
And found out still got A long wAy to go..
so...he suggested to go esplAnAde...
And.. we went...
sitting @ one corner..just to tAke A rest...
sit And chAt Around 1 hour...we decided to go bAck...
And by the time we reAched there...
our queue number is over...
TJ is so Angry About it...
but...too bAd...it's not their fAult After All...
due to lAck of time....we intend to go home...
not mine..but his...

on our wAy to his house...
we bought our dinner...
fish porridge & hokkien mee...
it's dAmn delicious....
bought @ the MRT stAtion there...
After About 5 min wAlk from interchAnge to his house...
i immediAtely eAt my porridge while he's eAting his mee....
then i look @ the time...
it's seemed very lAte AlreAdy...
so i sms my gAlfriend And told her i Am not going over to her shop...

@ his house...
he's doing his unfinished work while i'm wAtching my movie...
quite A funny movie....
not bAd..And it's only M18....

After my movie...
he told me thAt tonight they Are going to TD...
wow!!! i wAn2 go!!!
i immediAtely get myself reAdy...
surprisingly...he told me thAt he hAd not finish his work....
so fustrAting...
wAste my time wAtching the movie Alone...

After thAt....
we went to TD...hiring A cAb of course...
About 15mins...
we'd reAched our destinAtion....
before going in...
i went to buy myself A lollipop...
this time quite bored...
cAuse my gAlfriend didn't go...
i wAs All Alone...
listening to music And drinking Alone....
@ there....
i Ate A lot of nuts too...
totAl 3 bowl..
oh my god.....pleAse stop it....

@ Around 3 plus...
they decided to go home...
me too...went home strAight After thAt....

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

nice!!! i love this...

pics tAken @ mc cAfe....
(oh my god! i did not put my mAke up on)

he love to look @ me....

we love to look @ eAch other...

cAn't stop looking @ eAch other....

finAlly..he look somewhere else...

mr wee's pAper rose...

pics tAken After the movie...

wow..wAt A broAd shoulder!

told you thAt he love to kiss me....

i love too!
he still won't stop it....

he stopped...

pics tAken in PS's toilet....

my gAlfriend is gorgeous!

i will support you AlwAys @ ur bAck!

pics tAken @ toss..
thAt's the christmAs tree outside toss...

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

on the 4th dec 2007...
i went out with my gAlfriend As she is very sAd..
dun Ask why...
we went strolling @ ps....
we chose to wAlk from wismA to PS....
unexpected right....

we went to eAt @ the food junction...
both of us Ate fishbAll dong fen soup...
hAhA...not reAlly good lA....
then suddenly...
A guy sitting next to us ApproAched me...

guy: Are you singAporeAn?
me: yes..
guy: oh..you dun look like one..you look more like A tAiwAnese..
me: oh..reAlly..
guy: pArdon me..i know it's A little wierd to Ask you this..
mAy i know where Are you going?
me: erm..mAybe tAke A wAlk @ orchArd...
guy:oh...we Are going to orchArd too...
me: oh..

After thAt..i continued my food...
but After A while...he bidded me goodbye After finishing his food...
wAt A nice meeting...

then...we went to carrefour to buy my things..
mr wee introduce me A coffee plus coccoa..
frAnkly..very nice...
And Also A kind of cereAls...very nice too...
so..i went there to buy thAt....
not long After....
mr wee cAlled..Asking us wAn2 cAtch A movie or not...
we Agreed strAight AwAy...

my gAlfriend And i felt bored After so much wAlking @ PS..
so we intend to wAlk bAck to orchArd..
And we went strAight to heeren....
we went up to toss to find her friend..
chAtting in the shop of course....
After A while...
received mr wee cAll..Asking us to meet him @ PS..
we went bAck there immediAtely....
And sAw him plAying his gAme in the ArcAde...
then..we meet Another 2 guys...
edwin And dAxiong...
And five of us wAtching ' ENCHANTED' together....

A very nice movie indeed..
so romAntic And humourous...
After the movie..
my gAlfriend went home first...
the 4 of us intend to go chinAtown After thAt...
but..we didn't @ the end....

went bAck home in the morning..
or mAybe Afternoon...
it wAs rAining very heAvily...
hAte it cAuse very troublesome..i meAn when going out...
i wAs stAying @ home slAcking..
suddenly..my gAlfriend cAlled..
Asking me to go to her workplAce As she is bored over there...
And expectedly..i Agreed...

but..i wAs reAlly very tired..
so i went to hAve A short nAp before meeting her..
About 2.30pm...
i woke up..And went to prepare myself...
not long After....i Am reAdy....
then i found out thAt my grAndmA wAs here All Along...
hAhA..wAt An unfiliAl grAnd-dAughter...

then i noticed thAt it wAs rAining....
so sAd And fustrAted...
i hAte the weAther!!!
i prefer sun thAn rAin...
i brought my umbrellA And went strAight to the bus stop...
intend to tAke bus thAn trAin...
cAuse cAn predict thAt it will be very pAck!!!

After 45min - 1 hr journey...
i Alighted outside tAngs...
went to wismA first..cAuse wAnted to meet my the other friend, yiwen.
she is working @ tAkAshimAyA...
so meet her before meeting my gAlfriend...
we went for A bite @ the food junction...
while hAving our dinner...
i received A cAll from..
unexpected...but he did...
he told me thAt he hAd just knocked off from work..
so i Asked him wAn2 meet me or not...
And he Agreed...
About 25 min..he cAme...
i introduced him to yiwen...

AFter thAt..we went strolling @ orchArd...
And decided to go lido before meeting my gAlfriend....
he wAnted to meet her eldest sis there...
i wAited him @ MC cAfe And he went to meet her sis....
unexpectedly..he introduced me to his sis...
Apple..thAt's wAt she nAmed...
A very nice womAn..seems very blissful..
hAve A very nice And pretty smile..
which i yeArn to hAve one..
got A nice body too...very cheerful And kind...
whenever i think of her, i will feel comfort & good...
A very cAring sister..obviously...

so thoughtful..And Also romAntic...
mAde A rose with tissue pAper for me....
thAnk you!!!
i reAlly love it A lot...

After thAt....
we went to find my gAlfriend...
she is reAlly bored...
but i didn't stAyed very long..
cAuse need to go home...
just About 15min...we left....

we went home together...
felt so tired After All...
hope it dun AlwAys rAin.....

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

Monday, December 3, 2007

went to meet Tj....

After thAt....
went to meet my gAlfriend....

i went to HEEREN....
to meet her of course....

not to wAste time....

we went to fAr eAst....
shopping of course....

not for me....
i just wAn2 tAke A wAlk...

but...we reAlly felt very bored....
After wAlking for so long....

feeling of buying something...

we went in the ZIMPLE...
the plAce which sells A lot of dress.....

we tried 2 dresses....
love it so much....

totAl cost of the 2 dresss is $71.90....
so expensive!!!!

i stArted to feel down After knowing the $$$...

not only thAt....
we Also bought 2 pAnties...

cAnnot spend too much....
cAuse overspend for this week....

felt so tired....

we decided to go home...
of course!!!
tAke bus 190 As usuAl.....

we wAited very long....
cAue too mAny people....

finAlly got up....
but..no seAt.....

my gAlfriend Alight first...
As she's going to her BF house....

for me....
finAlly got seAt!!!

so hAppy....
cAuse reAlly felt very tired....

i must reAlly hAve A good sleep todAy....
or else tomorrow will hAve A bAd dAy for me!!!

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

on the 1st of dec 2007...
honestly....i hAve no plAn...
msg my bestie...Asking her out....
but..she didn't gAve me A reply....

unexpectedly...TJ cAlled...
Asking me out for A dAte....
And so..i Agreed...
our dAting venue..PS....
i got myself prepAred After putting down his phone...
thinking of weAring something cAsuAl....
i chose A yellow top + A grey short....

we ActuAlly plAn to wAtch A movie....
but...expectedly..no seAts AvAilAble...
we intend to wAtch ENCHANTED...
heArd thAt it's very nice....
so..not to waste time...
i went out immediAtely...
( cAuse i love to be punctuAl )

we Are meeting eAch other @ DG STATION @ 5.15pm...
very lAte i know....
And expectedly....he will be lAte!!!
i will close one eye.....
so..i wAited neArly 30 min for him....
just by looking @ him...
i cAn feel his Anxiousness And effort....
no hurry deAr...i forgive you...

so...we went in to PS...
finding for food strAight Away...
And..decided to hAve our dinner @ PASTA MANIA!!!
As usuAl..my only selection...
no choice..prefer this more...
i'll eAt this whenever i'm in PASTA MANIA....

After our meAl...
we went strolling Around the shopping mAll....
but expectedly....
he went in to the ArcAde..just like wAt he did on our 1st dAte....
not to blAme him..cAuse..
i'm ok with it...
he look so chArming when he's doing something so serious..
upon wAiting for him...
i wAs enjoying my popcorns..
so delicious!!!

After thAt...
we wEnt to tAkAshimAyA!!!
guess wAt...
our purpose is to buy chocolAte for his friend...
on the wAy to tAkA...
i reAlly felt so hAppy & sweet...
becAuse of the beAutiful lights....
the whole street look so romAntic....
thAnks TJ!!!

After thAt..
we met edwin And dAxiong @ basement 2(tAkA)
befor thAt..we bought something for dAxiong...
cAuse it's his birthdAy the next dAy..
on 2nd dec...
guess wAt we'd bought...
which dorAemon eAt everydAy....
lAme right!!!!
he's definitely A very lAme person.....

plAnning to go GF After thAt....
but..like wAt they sAy..
not A dAve plAce for gAls....
so..i didn't go in the end...
went home strAight AwAy After thAt...

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.

finAlly...cut my hAir!!!!

love thAt hAirstylist so much...

he's reAlly greAt..gAve me the hAirstyle i wAnted...

thAnks hunk!!!

my hAirstylist look like cAo ge....

very hAndsome....funny too!!!

now whenever i go out...dun look like A singAporeAn @ All...

some people sAy thAt i look like JAPANESE....

some sAys i look like ......


reAlly love it lotz lotz siA....

especiAlly my Aunt..And MR WEE....

myself of course!!!!

cAn style now...better thAn lAst time...

look so deAd...

my gAlfriend sAys i look lAdy lAst time....

but now...WILD!!!!

nevermind...As long As i like it....



to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.


mi& TJ..( tAken by EDWIN )

it's me!!!( tAken by TJ )

oh...you cAn come to me if you wAnt my kiss.....

you cAn Also come And kiss me if you envy him...

not enough for him...( i think )

this is too over...my pArents will scold me...
only for this time... wAt A lucky guy....

too short...so i tipped my toes....

he reAlly love my kiss...

to be continued...hEr EndlEss mElody.